Since the last election, I have been asked if I would run again. I have said I did not plan to and I meant it. It is impossible to know what it is like if you have never run for an office. It is awful. Everything you say is twisted out of context and if they can't find “dirt” on you, they make stuff up. I literally had someone spit in my face for being “racist” and “hating all Mexicans”. Now anyone who has seen a photo of my immediate family should know I cannot be racist. My husband's father was born in Mexico which makes my husband a Mexican citizen as well as an American citizen. I just returned from Mexico we go there almost every year for at least a short visit. I have many great friends in Mexico. I love Mexico and the Mexican people and may just end up moving there if we cannot stop the Fascist police state that is developing in the US. Many of my friends have already left. One that moved to China for more freedom and opportunity for his children, tells me the news in China almost every time I speak with him.. He keeps saying leave the USA. The rate of people renouncing their American citizenship continues to multiply. Our government has enacted a 30% tax on everything you own if you renounce your citizenship. People are willing to pay to leave, scary thought.
The statement that was used to paint me racist is “people in the country illegally should not get welfare, food stamps or housing assistance. It should be prioritized to go to disabled or elderly American citizens”. I stand by my statement. Our welfare system should be prioritized to care for disabled and elderly citizens first and foremost. People should not be rewarded for breaking laws. This is one of many areas where I agree with Ron Paul and his statement has been twisted as well. There is no one I agree with on every issue. I doubt anyone agrees with anyone else on every issue. The best we can do is choose the ones we agree with the most or the one that is honest. I would choose honest over smart any day. People who will stand for and do what is right in the face of opposition seem to be few and far between. Congress has a 9% approval rating. That is far better than I believe they deserve. Yet they continue to be re-elected? They ignore the will of the people, and line their own pockets and the pockets of their friends/donors. Recent studies show congress net worth continuing to increase as ours their constituents continues to decrease.
The Federal Reserve is not a part of the government. It is a private bank that creates money out of thin air. It becomes a part of the debt the taxpayers are expected to pay back with interest. After it is created where does it go? The battle to determine that continues, the head of the fed has refused to tell congress and as information comes out the media seldom reports it. Recent reports show 16 trillion going to overseas banks. Another recent report shows a member of the English parliament researching what appears to be a 15 Trillion dollar money laundering enterprise signed by Alan Greenspan and Tim Geitner. The Federal Reserve Bank was created on Dec 23, 1913 after many in congress had left for Christmas break and with its creation the power of the elite and the government have increased. During a debate when I last ran for congress ,the Green Party candidate had some great charts showing how income inequality has grown since 1913. He said it was because of the change in tax rates. The income tax was considered unconstitutional. It was considered theft. The 16th amendment was supposedly ratified in 1913 as well (I say supposedly because the book “The Law That Never Was” shows copies of the documents from all states showing it was not ratified. It was passed by fraud!) and the transfer of wealth from the middle class to the very wealthy began! The 17th amendment was similarly passed in 1913 and seriously weakened the power of the states over the federal government.
These three changes have fundamentally altered our form of government. Our states were to hold the power to protect the people from federal tyranny. At this time most people agree the federal government is overstepping their constitutionally imposed bounds. From the battles over raw milk, medical marijuana, death with dignity, the war on drugs, Obama-care and the federal department of education, the EPA and the myriad regulations imposed on businesses, to unconstitutional restrictions on guns; the list is very long. This has been a slow process that has intertwined our government with huge multinational corporations. What is the name of the form of government where business and governments collude? Fascism. When a president ignores the Constitution and imposes his will with signing statements or executive orders bypassing the checks and balances originally in our system to keep presidential power limited, he makes himself a dictator. It is a shocking statement. Our nation is becoming a fascist dictatorship. Study this and you will see it is true. I am not putting this exclusively on Obama. Bush and others started it before he arrived but he has continued and expanded it.
Right now our police are being militarized, yetviolent crime is at a 45 year low. Police in the USA are killing an innocent person every single day. We are lined up and searched to board a plane and sometimes now buses or to enter malls. People are being detained for not having identification on them! Reporters are being detained for reporting on what our government is doing. Whistle blower protections on government officials are being eliminated and Obama has gone after more whistle blowers that all other presidents combined! So much for promises of government transparency. We are invading countries without congressional declaration of war and now, without the president even going to the congress at all, we invaded Libya. We are providing bombs to bomb Yemen and other nations as well. Peace president? I have had people inform me that we went into Libya on a UN mandate. We also went into Iraq on a UN mandate. Where in our Constitution was the UN given the authority to use our soldiers to make war? Our founding fathers complaint on standing armies is real here and now. Our nation is becoming a police state.
The government/ corporate oligarchy has become very powerful with help from the left and the right. Both sides working against each other and playing into the hands of the few at the top. Unless we the people of this once great nation wake up and work together to restore our Constitutionally restricted government and restore freedom, we are done. Freedom once lost is not easily restored. Most of us will agree the federal government is doing things we do not want it to do. By empowering them to do what you do want to do you are also empowering them to do what you do not want them to do. It is up to all of us, to work together for our children. Through this Fascist dictatorship, a police state is forming. Will you work to help stop it?
So once again I am running for office Congress Oregon CD #3. And once again, I am told it is not winnable. The people in the district want an all powerful government and do not care about freedom. I refuse to believe that. I have been asked why district 3 when I do not live in it. The answer is that the person that is in that seat is, in my opinion, one of the most damaging to freedom in the state in which I live. The idea of congressional districts to get the representative to bring home the “federal bacon” is not in the Constitution. The federal government has no bacon to give unless it steals it from someone. Senators were appointed by the states to protect state sovereignty. Congress was elected by the people of the state as Senators are now. Our form of government has been fundamentally altered. But not altered in a way that promotes freedom and protects our rights. We created this government to secure our rights. That is the only legitimate function of government. I am running as a republican because the Republican Party was created to end slavery! The Republican Party fought for women to be able to vote! Now both parties have lost their way and neither seem to be representing the people anymore.
My web-page lays out most of my positions on everything. If you have a question I have not answered or want to volunteer to help on the campaign email me at or call me 503-954-4080 I answer all calls to that number. Well, occasionally my husband will too. If I do not answer, leave a message with your name and number and I will call you back. I am asking you to hire me to represent you. I can't do that without communicating with you.
Delia Lopez
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Redistribution is theft.
When you take from one what he has worked for to give it to anyone else, that is theft. Good intentions do not alter the act. Where in our Constitution was the government authorized or given the power to steal from hardworking Americans to dole out to whom they choose? I start off with foreign aid, the American people are robbed and the proceeds are sent to despots and any other entity government determines should be enriched. We owe over a trillion dollars to China, yet last year we sent them 14.5 million dollars in foreign aid. Why? Our nation is deeply in debt and borrowing from China and other nations to fund these “gifts”. I doubt the vast majority of Americans would choose to donate to most of these countries if they had the choice. A free country? Where government has usurped the power to steal from you and send it anywhere they choose, no matter what you want, that is tyranny.
Today’s “robber barons” use the government to harm the competition. Government has determined it is in our best interest to give wealthy multinational corporations dollars stolen from us. GE alone was given 3.2 billion dollars last year. Ethanol subsidies are another form of corporate welfare, I won't start on the bailouts of all sorts. Deregulation did not cause the “mortgage crisis” as Eliot Spitzer said everything they were doing was illegal and no one was prosecuting them. Huge amounts of evidence has come forward showing criminal acts, yet no one is in jail. MF Global violated laws and fiduciary trust and the agency tasked with preventing the fraud did nothing. The agency created to protect the deposits of average Americans did nothing. The courts handling the bankruptcy proceedings allowed MF Global to file the wrong type of bankruptcy so that JP Morgan and George Soros got paid off and made money off the theft of small depositors “safe” money. There were over 100 formal complaints filed against Bernie Madoff yet the government entity tasked with overseeing his actions did nothing. Why? Could it be it is much more profitable for those tasked with preventing fraud and theft to aid and abet it? Jon Corazine ex head of MF Global who made millions stealing from “segregated accounts” entrusted to his care, is looking for new office space in Manhattan. Could it be that as Obama's friend he is untouchable? He should be in jail.
When Lehman Bros was allowed to go bankrupt JP Morgan allegedly siphoned off billions of dollars under the “watchful eye” of Tim Geithner. Tim Geithner has ignored a subpoena since Aug 2011. How can someone ignore a subpoena and not be in jail? This as is the pattern that allows the government officials to back their very rich buddies while screwing over the little guys. On top of that they robbed all taxpaying Americans to ensure they remained wealthy. There seems to be a pattern appearing. The phrase “above the law” comes to mind. This used to be a nation of laws, where everyone was under the same laws. Now they pick and choose who they prosecute and what laws they enforce. BATF “fast and furious” mess where Eric Holder and Obama spent 10 million dollars to get guns into the hands of a Mexican drug cartel. The holders of the mortgages were paid off by taxpayers as they increased taxes and fees on businesses to pay for it. Those businesses then laid off people and those people then lost the homes their taxes had paid to bail the mortgage holders out on. Same pattern government working with corporations to screw the little guy. Our tax dollars at work!
The message of the Tea Party was “less government”. When the Tea Party began in 2007 it was small and opposed to the governments intervention in the market place through heinous regulations and confiscatory tax rates. They were opposed to the bail outs and many were also opposed to unconstitutional wars and massive overseas spending that is increasing tax rates and the national debt. Small businesses can do nothing without government permission. A recent story in the New York times detailed some of the abuse someone wanting to start a business had to endure. It took years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to open a small ice cream soda shop. One of the heads of Intel stated that the main reason they do not open factories etc in the USA is the expensive government costs imposed on any company trying to build here that are not imposed by other governments. Add the highest corporate tax rate, and undefined and constantly changing environmental rules. The idea of risking money in this environment, is insane. I gave out my phone number while running for congress and spoke with many people that had lost their jobs. One had put an ad on craigslist to do odd jobs for senior citizens. Drive them to doctors appointments, clean rain gutters, take loads of trash to the dump. He was fined $600 for cleaning out rain gutters without a contractors license. He looked into getting a contractors license and it took thousands of dollars to obtain one. One woman was doing braids in her home for donations, they fined her and put a $25,000 lien on her home. They take from small businesses to give 32 million to Facebook to create 35 jobs. Our tax dollars at work. There are books of cases “Free Lunch” by David Cay Johnston is one of many detailing what should be criminal acts.
Originally our nation was free and it was the most prosperous nation in the history of the world. Charity was voluntary and widows and orphans were cared for by the community and during times of plenty they were well cared for. During times of poverty many people were hungry this is the same today. People could start with nothing and build a business and become wealthy that was the American dream. Get a rag and a bucket of water and wash windows, work long and hard and you could be successful. You can not legally do that today. Small business was the backbone of our economy. Now our tax dollars go to persecute small businesses. We pay for SWAT teams to raid people buying or selling raw milk in accordance with state law. We paid over sixty million dollars to attempt to jail Dr Brysinsky while FDA officials were attempting to steal his patented cancer cure. He was operating in accordance with state law. We paid over eleven million dollars to violate property rights of small gold miners in the Jefferson mining region. The people are following the laws and the government officials are violating laws and the rights of people, with impunity from prosecution. Using our tax dollars to do it. While our tax dollars are used to subsidize giant strip mines.
The message of Occupy Wall Street appears to be “corporations are illegally generating huge profits while screwing over the little guy and we need more government regulations to stop it. Government should be providing more for the people”. The problem is that government has not enforced the regulations as they should. They use the regulations to help or hinder their friends or foes. Gibson Guitar Co. is shut down and harassed several times by government agents over an imported wood. While another guitar company uses the same wood imported the same way from the same place is not? The only difference appears to be political donation records. The organization i-caucus documents similar cases of crony capitalism where politicians are paid to vote for or against something. Companies can hire lobbyists to get regulations and tax codes passed to help them or harm their competition. Regulators interpret the regulations in ways to line their and their friends pockets. Our Constitution was written to limit the size scope and power of government especially the federal government to protect the rights of the people. When the federal government takes control the people lose it. Until we remove from congress the power to take from one to benefit another the people will not have control of our government.
We the people need to join together and work to return control of government to the people. Local government is most efficient and the people are better able to maintain control. Years ago the Grace commission did a study on cutting the cost of government while improving quality. Few of his recommendations have been followed. One was the “Oregon Trail card” to replace food stamps. The change saved millions of dollars in postal costs, losses and fraud while delivering more efficient service to the people. One of his suggestions was eliminating the Federal department of education. They spend millions of dollars pushing paper in Washington DC that would be more effectively used paying for books or teachers at the local level. Talk to TPP or OWS they are saying the same things about the problems. We agree on the problems, lets work together to find a solution. Ron Paul is right on eliminating the federal department of education and getting the federal government cut down to size.
Today’s “robber barons” use the government to harm the competition. Government has determined it is in our best interest to give wealthy multinational corporations dollars stolen from us. GE alone was given 3.2 billion dollars last year. Ethanol subsidies are another form of corporate welfare, I won't start on the bailouts of all sorts. Deregulation did not cause the “mortgage crisis” as Eliot Spitzer said everything they were doing was illegal and no one was prosecuting them. Huge amounts of evidence has come forward showing criminal acts, yet no one is in jail. MF Global violated laws and fiduciary trust and the agency tasked with preventing the fraud did nothing. The agency created to protect the deposits of average Americans did nothing. The courts handling the bankruptcy proceedings allowed MF Global to file the wrong type of bankruptcy so that JP Morgan and George Soros got paid off and made money off the theft of small depositors “safe” money. There were over 100 formal complaints filed against Bernie Madoff yet the government entity tasked with overseeing his actions did nothing. Why? Could it be it is much more profitable for those tasked with preventing fraud and theft to aid and abet it? Jon Corazine ex head of MF Global who made millions stealing from “segregated accounts” entrusted to his care, is looking for new office space in Manhattan. Could it be that as Obama's friend he is untouchable? He should be in jail.
When Lehman Bros was allowed to go bankrupt JP Morgan allegedly siphoned off billions of dollars under the “watchful eye” of Tim Geithner. Tim Geithner has ignored a subpoena since Aug 2011. How can someone ignore a subpoena and not be in jail? This as is the pattern that allows the government officials to back their very rich buddies while screwing over the little guys. On top of that they robbed all taxpaying Americans to ensure they remained wealthy. There seems to be a pattern appearing. The phrase “above the law” comes to mind. This used to be a nation of laws, where everyone was under the same laws. Now they pick and choose who they prosecute and what laws they enforce. BATF “fast and furious” mess where Eric Holder and Obama spent 10 million dollars to get guns into the hands of a Mexican drug cartel. The holders of the mortgages were paid off by taxpayers as they increased taxes and fees on businesses to pay for it. Those businesses then laid off people and those people then lost the homes their taxes had paid to bail the mortgage holders out on. Same pattern government working with corporations to screw the little guy. Our tax dollars at work!
The message of the Tea Party was “less government”. When the Tea Party began in 2007 it was small and opposed to the governments intervention in the market place through heinous regulations and confiscatory tax rates. They were opposed to the bail outs and many were also opposed to unconstitutional wars and massive overseas spending that is increasing tax rates and the national debt. Small businesses can do nothing without government permission. A recent story in the New York times detailed some of the abuse someone wanting to start a business had to endure. It took years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to open a small ice cream soda shop. One of the heads of Intel stated that the main reason they do not open factories etc in the USA is the expensive government costs imposed on any company trying to build here that are not imposed by other governments. Add the highest corporate tax rate, and undefined and constantly changing environmental rules. The idea of risking money in this environment, is insane. I gave out my phone number while running for congress and spoke with many people that had lost their jobs. One had put an ad on craigslist to do odd jobs for senior citizens. Drive them to doctors appointments, clean rain gutters, take loads of trash to the dump. He was fined $600 for cleaning out rain gutters without a contractors license. He looked into getting a contractors license and it took thousands of dollars to obtain one. One woman was doing braids in her home for donations, they fined her and put a $25,000 lien on her home. They take from small businesses to give 32 million to Facebook to create 35 jobs. Our tax dollars at work. There are books of cases “Free Lunch” by David Cay Johnston is one of many detailing what should be criminal acts.
Originally our nation was free and it was the most prosperous nation in the history of the world. Charity was voluntary and widows and orphans were cared for by the community and during times of plenty they were well cared for. During times of poverty many people were hungry this is the same today. People could start with nothing and build a business and become wealthy that was the American dream. Get a rag and a bucket of water and wash windows, work long and hard and you could be successful. You can not legally do that today. Small business was the backbone of our economy. Now our tax dollars go to persecute small businesses. We pay for SWAT teams to raid people buying or selling raw milk in accordance with state law. We paid over sixty million dollars to attempt to jail Dr Brysinsky while FDA officials were attempting to steal his patented cancer cure. He was operating in accordance with state law. We paid over eleven million dollars to violate property rights of small gold miners in the Jefferson mining region. The people are following the laws and the government officials are violating laws and the rights of people, with impunity from prosecution. Using our tax dollars to do it. While our tax dollars are used to subsidize giant strip mines.
The message of Occupy Wall Street appears to be “corporations are illegally generating huge profits while screwing over the little guy and we need more government regulations to stop it. Government should be providing more for the people”. The problem is that government has not enforced the regulations as they should. They use the regulations to help or hinder their friends or foes. Gibson Guitar Co. is shut down and harassed several times by government agents over an imported wood. While another guitar company uses the same wood imported the same way from the same place is not? The only difference appears to be political donation records. The organization i-caucus documents similar cases of crony capitalism where politicians are paid to vote for or against something. Companies can hire lobbyists to get regulations and tax codes passed to help them or harm their competition. Regulators interpret the regulations in ways to line their and their friends pockets. Our Constitution was written to limit the size scope and power of government especially the federal government to protect the rights of the people. When the federal government takes control the people lose it. Until we remove from congress the power to take from one to benefit another the people will not have control of our government.
We the people need to join together and work to return control of government to the people. Local government is most efficient and the people are better able to maintain control. Years ago the Grace commission did a study on cutting the cost of government while improving quality. Few of his recommendations have been followed. One was the “Oregon Trail card” to replace food stamps. The change saved millions of dollars in postal costs, losses and fraud while delivering more efficient service to the people. One of his suggestions was eliminating the Federal department of education. They spend millions of dollars pushing paper in Washington DC that would be more effectively used paying for books or teachers at the local level. Talk to TPP or OWS they are saying the same things about the problems. We agree on the problems, lets work together to find a solution. Ron Paul is right on eliminating the federal department of education and getting the federal government cut down to size.
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